popular name of insects with hind legs suited to jumping, mid-14c. (late 13c. as a surname), earlier greshoppe (c. 1200), from Old English gærshoppa; see grass + hopper (n.1). Similar formation in Middle Swedish gräshoppare, German Grashüpfer. As a term of reproach, from Eccl. xii:5. Also recorded c. 1300 as a name for the hare.
1. Moreover , GRASSHOPPER is also the agent of many famous cabinet and hardware companies in east Europe.
2. I've known him since he was knee - high to a grasshopper.
3. Charles started reading when he was knee - high to a grasshopper.
4. He thought he had made an end of the little grasshopper.
5. A: How can you eat that grasshopper? It doesn't make you sick?