英 [ˈpraɪs.ləs]
美 [ˈpraɪs.ləs]
- adj. 无价的;极贵重的;非常有趣的
- n. 非卖品
priceless 无价的,极珍贵的来自price,价格,-less,没有。引申词义无法用价格来衡量的,极珍贵的。
- priceless (adj.)
- "having a value beyond price," 1590s, from price (n.) + -less. Colloquial sense of "delightful" attested from 1907. Related: Pricelessly; pricelessness.
- 1. The house is crammed with priceless furniture and works of art.
- 房子里摆满了昂贵的家具和艺术品。
- 2. That cup is priceless. You can't put a value on it.
- 那个杯子价值连城,无法定价。
- 3. Workers scrambled to carry priceless objects out of harm's way.
- 工人们争先恐后地将价值连城的物品运到安全的地方。
- 4. They are a priceless record of a brief period in British history.
- 它们是对英国历史上一个短暂时期的极为珍贵的记录。
- 5. The influence of someone like David York will be priceless.
- 像大卫·约克这样的人能带来非常积极的影响。