英 [məˈsaɪ.ə]
美 [məˈsaɪ.ə]
- n. 弥赛亚(犹太人所期待的救世主);救星,解放者
1. 弥赛亚(天主教译作默西亚,英语:Messiah),是个圣经词语,与希腊语词基督是一个意思,在希伯来语中最初的意思是受膏者,指的是上帝所选中的人,具有特殊的权力,受膏者是“被委任担当特别职务的人”的意思,是一个头衔或者称号,并不是名字。
Messiah 弥赛亚,救世主基督来自希腊语Messias,来自希伯来语mashiah,上帝的傅油使者。对应另一个希腊词Khristos,即Christ.傅油为基督教的一种圣事,某种程度上相当于入门仪式,即用祝圣后的橄榄油进行涂抹。
- messiah (n.)
- c. 1300, Messias, from Late Latin Messias, from Greek Messias, from Aramaic meshiha and Hebrew mashiah "the anointed" (of the Lord), from mashah "anoint." This is the word rendered in Septuagint as Greek Khristos (see Christ). In Old Testament prophetic writing, it was used of an expected deliverer of the Jewish nation. The modern English form represents an attempt to make the word look more Hebrew, and dates from the Geneva Bible (1560). Transferred sense of "an expected liberator or savior of a captive people" is attested from 1660s.
- 1. He was somehow destined to become a rock messiah.
- 冥冥之中,他注定会成为摇滚乐的救世主。
- 2. People saw Mandela as their messiah.
- 人民把曼德拉看作他们的大救星。
- 3. He's seen by many as a political messiah.
- 许多人将他视为政治救星。
- 4. Peter replied, on behalf of the disciples, " You are the Messiah. "
- 彼得代表信徒们回答: “ 你是我们的救世主. ”
- 5. He believes in every new political messiah.
- 他对政治上每个新救星都深信不疑.