
英 [ˈæl.ɪ.baɪ]      美 [ˈæl.ɪ.baɪ]
  • n. 不在场证明或辩解;托辞
  • v. 辩解;找托辞开脱
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1. 该词直接取自拉丁语词汇,没做任何简化或变形。
2. 其本意为:elsewhere, somewhere else. 现今含义由此得到引申。
3. ali- + -bi (拉丁语位置格、方位格后缀)。
4. => "the plea of having been elsewhere when an action took place".
alibi 借口

拉丁词。词根al, 其它,同else.

alibi: [18] In Latin, alibi means literally ‘somewhere else’. It is the locative form (that is, the form expressing place) of the pronoun alius ‘other’ (which is related to Greek allos ‘other’ and English else). When first introduced into English it was used in legal contexts as an adverb, meaning, as in Latin, ‘elsewhere’: ‘The prisoner had little to say in his defence; he endeavoured to prove himself Alibi’, John Arbuthnot, Law is a bottomless pit 1727.

But by the end of the 18th century it had become a noun, ‘plea of being elsewhere at the time of a crime’. The more general sense of an ‘excuse’ developed in the 20th century. Another legal offspring of Latin alius is alias. This was a direct 16th-century borrowing of Latin aliās, a form of alius meaning ‘otherwise’.

=> alias, else
alibi (n.)
1743, "the plea of having been elsewhere when an action took place," from Latin alibi "elsewhere, somewhere else," locative of alius "(an)other" (see alias (adv.)). The weakened sense of "excuse" is attested since 1912, but technically any proof of innocence that doesn't involve being "elsewhere" is an excuse, not an alibi.
1. This argument is only too blatantly an alibi for domestic repression.
2. Mick had an airtight alibi.
3. He has a solid alibi.
4. The police verified that she had an airtight alibi.
5. Do you have any proof to substantiate your alibi?
你有证据表明你当时不在犯罪现场 吗 ?


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