
英 [əˈræk.nɪd]      美 [əˈræk.nɪd]
  • n. 蛛形纲动物
  • adj. 蛛形纲动物的
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arachnid 蛛形纲动物

来自神话故事。希腊神话中少女Arachne 善于织网,自信心膨胀,因挑战雅典娜落败,被变成蜘蛛。

arachnid (n.)
"a spider," 1869, from French arachnide (1806) or Modern Latin Arachnida, introduced as name for this class of arthropods 1815 by French biologist Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de Lamarck (1744-1829), from Greek arakhne (fem.) "spider; spider's web," which probably is cognate with Latin aranea "spider, spider's web" (borrowed in Old English as renge "spider"), from aracsna. The Latin word could be a Greek borrowing or both could be from a common root. An earlier noun form was arachnidian (1828).
1. One of the most unexpected surprises was my encounter with a race of arachnid creatures.
2. I want that wall - crawling arachnid prosecuted!
3. Lifting the tiny arachnid, he transported it over to the opposite side of the road.
举起这种小动物, 他把它放到了路的另一边.
4. The tiny arachnid, found in Australia, shows off a rainbow of colours to impress nearby females.
这只在澳大利亚的小蜘蛛, 向附近的雌性炫耀其华丽的色彩.



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