
英 [ˈɑː.kaɪv]      美 [ˈɑːr.kaɪv]
  • n. 档案,档案室;案卷(archive的复数)
  • v. 把…收集归档;把…存档(archive的三单形式)
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1、arch- + -ive + -s.
2、该词来源于希腊语,其原始字面含义是:official building, government building; 其复数的含义为:public records; 后来,其含义也就取其复数形式的含义了。
archives: [17] The Greek verb arkhein meant originally ‘begin’ – and hence ‘be in first place, rule’. This sense development lies behind the diversity in meaning of the words ultimately derived from it in English. Greek arkheion was the official residence of a ruler, a ‘public office’, and its plural, arkheia, was used for ‘public records’; it passed into English via Latin archīa, later archīva, and French archives.

Greek arkhē, on the other hand, had the sense ‘beginning’, and the adjective formed from it, arkhaios, later arkhaikós, ‘ancient’, came through French archaïque into English as archaic [19] (arkhaios is also the source of archaeology [17]). The same split in meaning is evident in the prefix arch-, which comes from the same source: in archetype, for instance, it signifies ‘first’, whereas in archduke it implies ‘highest in rank’.

=> archaic, archetype
archives (n.)
c. 1600, from French archif (16c.), from Late Latin archivum (singular), from Greek ta arkheia "public records," plural of arkheion "town hall," from arkhe "government," literally "beginning, origin, first place" (see archon).
1. The society's archives are a treasure trove for scholars.
2. The picture lay hidden in the archives for over 40 years.
3. The emperor's decrees and letters were in the national archives.
4. Can you dig the material out of the archives?
你能从档案里把这个材料查出来 吗 ?
5. He delved into the family archives looking for the facts.


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