
英 [ɑ:'rɪðmɪk]      美 [əˈrɪðmɪk]
  • adj. 无节奏的;心律不齐的
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arrhythmic (adj.)
1853, "without rhythm," in relation to musical sensibility, Modern Latin, from Greek arrhythmos "irregular, unrhythmical, without measure," from a- "not" (see a- (3)) + rhythmos (see rhythm). Medical arrhythmia "irregularity of pulse" is attested from 1888, from Greek noun of action from arrhythmos. Related: Arrhythmically.
1. Conclusion: Rhodiola has favorable anti - ventricular arrhythmia effects on arrhythmic animal models.
结论: 大花红景天水提液对多种实验性快速室性心律失常有良好的防治作用.
2. The present study demonstrates that sudden arrhythmic death is an important contributor to SIDS.
3. Conclusion Shensongyangxin capsule can block Ik 1, Ito and Ik, which may contribute to its anti - arrhythmic effect.
结论参松养心胶囊干粉提取溶液对IK1, Ito和Ik均具有不同程度的阻滞作用.
4. Class III anti - arrhythmic drugs ( such as amiodarone ) act ia prolongation of the action potential.
III类抗心律失常药物 ( 例如胺碘酮 ) 是通过延长动作电位来发挥作用的.
5. Objective To observe the anti - arrhythmic effects of Water Extract Liquid of ShenBai with different constituents.



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