记忆“aspire”的方法是将它与“air”结合,想象一个人的内心像是有向上的空气(as +pire),他/她渴望向更高的目标发展。这种方法通过形象化的联想来帮助记忆单词的含义。
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aspire 渴望前缀a-同ad-. 词根spir, 呼吸, 见inspire, 吸入,启迪。
- aspire
aspire: see spirit
- aspire (v.)
- "strive for," c. 1400, from Old French aspirer "aspire to; inspire; breathe, breathe on" (12c.), from Latin aspirare "to breathe upon, blow upon, to breathe," also, in transferred senses, "to be favorable to, assist; to climb up to, to endeavor to obtain, to reach to, to seek to reach; infuse," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + spirare "to breathe" (see spirit (n.)). The notion is of "panting with desire," or perhaps of rising smoke. Related: Aspired; aspiring.
- 1. Unlike the Acer Aspire, 2 D photos and videos can't be viewed in 3 D on the Asus.
- 与宏碁Aspire不同, 在华硕电脑上不能以3D模式观看2D照片和视频.
- 2. For us, it's something that we may aspire to but can never attain.
- 对我们来说, 那是可望而不可即的.
- 3. Mary is ambitious enough to aspire to conversational fluency in Chinese in four months.
- 玛丽雄心很大,竟想在四个月里学会用汉语流利地会话.
- 4. That is not something I particulary aspire to at this moment.
- 目前,这不是我特别向往的.
- 5. Any man endowed with the required qualities can aspire to the status.
- 任何赋有所要求的这种品质的人,都可以争取得到这种地位.