
英 [əˈstaʊnd]      美 [əˈstaʊnd]
  • vt. 使惊骇;使震惊
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1. ex- => es- => as- "out" + -tound (ton-) "thunder".
2. 这里的 as- "out" 取引申义,表示:离开、脱离正常的状态或情绪或表情。
3. 字面含义:thunder sb out. => leave someone thunderstruck.
4. 或者:out: 出去、离开、远离。=> 不管。=> 听任、让、使…处于(某种状态)(leave)。
astound 吃惊

as来自前缀ex- 变体,此处表强调。词根ton, 雷,拟声词,同thunder. 指如被雷击。缀生字母d, 同sound.

astound: [17] Astound, astonish, and stun all come ultimately from the same origin: a Vulgar Latin verb *extonāre, which literally meant something like ‘leave someone thunderstruck’ (it was formed from the Latin verb tonāre ‘thunder’). This became Old French estoner, which had three offshoots in English: it was borrowed into Middle English in the 13th century as astone or astun, and immediately lost its initial a, producing a form stun; then in the 15th century, in Scotland originally, it had the suffix -ish grafted on to it, producing astonish; and finally in the 17th century its past participle, astoned or, as it was also spelled, astound, formed the basis of a new verb.
=> astonish, stun
astound (v.)
mid-15c., from Middle English astouned, astoned (c. 1300), past participle of astonen, astonien "to stun" (see astonish), with more of the original sense of Vulgar Latin *extonare. Related: Astounded; astounding.
1. If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.
2. Their dark humor never failed to astound him.
3. He used to astound his friends with feats of physical endurance.
4. A repertoire of tricks will astound the esteemed public.
5. His practical grasp of affairs and his energy still astound me.



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