以上内容由AI生成, 仅供参考和借鉴
- 1. " Don't be afraid, Ahyuan. It is only aunty. "
- 我说: “ 阿圆,莫怕了, 是姑姑. ”
- 2. " I know you was meaning for the best, aunty, and so was I with Peter.
- “ 我的好姨妈, 你是好意,这我晓得.我对彼得也是好意呀.
- 3. Oh, it's my aunty. Thank you, aunty.
- 噢, 是小姨. 谢谢你, 小姨.
- 4. I went shopping with my mum and aunty today.
- 下午我跟我的阿姨和老妈逛街去了.
- 5. Aunty is too kindhearted for the cheater to have a chance.
- 老大妈心地太善良了,让骗子有了可乘之机.