
英 [ˈblæɡ.ɑːd]      美 [ˈblæɡ.ɑːrd]
  • adj. 粗鄙的;满口脏话的
  • n. 恶棍;说脏话的人
  • vt. 辱骂
  • vi. 捣乱;耍流氓
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blackguard (n.)
1530s, scullion, kitchen knave. Perhaps once an actual military or guard unit; more likely originally a mock-military reference to scullions and kitchen-knaves of noble households, of black-liveried personal guards, and of shoeblacks. By 1736, sense had emerged of "one of the criminal class." Hence the adjectival use (1784), "of low or worthless character."
1. This letter will only make them think me a blackguard one.
2. It's no more than the vague charge of an angry blackguard.
3. He was one part blackguard, people said, and three parts buffoon.
人家说他是一分流氓气, 三分小丑气.
4. Her new friends, suffering in silence under her insolences, would welcome a chance to blackguard her.
而那些新朋友都是在她的苛待下敢怒而不敢言的人, 巴不得有机会来辱骂她呢.
5. And here was I back again , a wandering, hunted blackguard, on the wrong side of Forth.
现在呢,我已退回到福司河这一面――只是流浪的, 被追捕的可怜虫.


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