
英 [ˈbɔː.dər]      美 [ˈbɔːr.dɚ]
  • n. 边境;边界;国界
  • vt. 接近;与…接壤;在…上镶边
  • vi. 接界;近似
  • n. (Border)人名;(英)博德
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1. b (保护) + order (命令) => 接受命令,保护边界。
border 边界

来自PIE *bherdh , 切,砍。指分开的。词源同board, break.

border: [14] English acquired border from Old French bordure. This came from the common Romance verb *bordāre ‘border’, which was based on *bordus ‘edge’, a word of Germanic origin whose source, *borthaz, was the same as that of English board in the sense ‘side of a ship’.
=> board
border (n.)
mid-14c., from Old French bordure "seam, edge of a shield, border," from Frankish *bord or a similar Germanic source (compare Old English bord "side;" see board (n.2)). The geopolitical sense first attested 1530s, in Scottish (replacing earlier march), from The Borders, name of the district adjoining the boundary between England and Scotland.
border (v.)
c. 1400, "to put a border on;" 1640s as "to lie on the border of," from border (n.). Related: Bordered; bordering.
1. The stock market is convinced more cross-border deals will take place.
2. This very careful attitude to money can sometimes border on meanness.
3. He was never able to get past the border guards.
4. Currency-conversion costs remain one of the biggest obstacles to cross-border trade.
5. Hungary's opening of the border was a turning point for the refugees.


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