
英 [bʌlk]      美 [bʌlk]
  • n. 体积,容量;大多数,大部分;大块
  • vt. 使扩大,使形成大量;使显得重要
  • n. (Bulk)人名;(土)布尔克
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1. 谐音“八棵、八块”
2. 区别:bulk, balk: bulk => 中间的字母u像一个装东西的容器。体现出体积特性;而balk => 中间的字母a其大写字母A,很像一个挡路的篱笆等阻拦物。
bulk 大块

词源同ball, 膨胀,鼓起,球。

bulk: [14] Formally, bulk comes from Old Norse búlki, which meant ‘cargo’ or ‘heap’: the original connotation of the English word in this sense was thus of goods loaded loose, in heaps, rather than neatly packed up. That is the source of the phrase in bulk. However, a certain similarity in form and meaning to the English word bouk ‘belly’ (from Old English būc, and ultimately a descendant of West and North Germanic *būkaz) led to the two being confused, so that bulk was used for ‘belly’, or more generally ‘body’.

Modern connotations of ‘great size’ seem to be a blend of these two. The bulk of bulkhead [15] is a different word; it may come from Old Norse bálkr ‘partition’.

bulk (n.)
mid-15c., "a heap," earlier "ship's cargo" (mid-14c.), from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse bulki "a heap; ship's cargo," thus "goods loaded loose" (perhaps literally "rolled-up load"), from Proto-Germanic *bul-, from PIE root *bhel- (2) "to blow, inflate, swell" (see bole).

Meaning extended by confusion with obsolete bouk "belly" (from Old English buc "body, belly," from Proto-Germanic *bukaz; see bucket), which led to sense of "size," first attested mid-15c.
bulk (v.)
"swell, become more massive," 1550s (usually with up), from bulk (n.). Related: Bulked; bulking.
1. Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.
2. Despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet.
3. Shopkeepers buy them in bulk and resell them for £150 each.
4. His legs were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk.
5. The bulk of the book concerns Sandy's two middle-aged children.



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