
英 [kɑːv]      美 [kɑːrv]
  • vt. 雕刻;切开;开创
  • vi. 切开;做雕刻工作
  • n. (Carve)人名;(西、瑞典)卡韦
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carve..........刻 物....................雕 刻
carve 雕刻

来自PIE *sker, 砍,切,刻,词源同graph ,shear ,scribe.

carve: [OE] Originally, carve meant simply ‘cut’. That sense died out in the 16th century, leaving the more specialized ‘cut or incise decoratively’ and later ‘cut up meat at table’. Related words in other Germanic languages, such as Dutch kerven, point to a prehistoric West Germanic *kerfan, which is probably ultimately linked to Greek gráphein ‘write’ (source of English graphic), whose original notion was ‘scratch or incise on a surface’.
=> graphic
carve (v.)
Old English ceorfan (class III strong verb; past tense cearf, past participle corfen) "to cut, cut down, slay; to carve, cut out, engrave," from West Germanic *kerfan (cognates: Old Frisian kerva, Middle Dutch and Dutch kerven, German kerben "to cut, notch"), from PIE root *gerbh- "to scratch," making carve the English cognate of Greek graphein "to write," originally "to scratch" on clay tablets with a stylus.

Once extensively used, most senses now usurped by cut (v.). Meaning specialized to sculpture, meat, etc., by 16c. Related: Carved; carving. Original strong conjugation has been abandoned, but archaic carven lingers.
1. He wanted to go into the street and carve someone's face up.
2. He is hoping to carve out a much greater role for himself.
3. Andrew began to carve the chicken.
4. Carve the beef into slices.
5. Carve the names and gild them.


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