
英 [tʃiːt]      美 [tʃiːt]
  • vt. 欺骗;骗取
  • vi. 欺骗;作弊
  • n. 欺骗,作弊;骗子
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cheat..........欺 他............欺 骗
cheat 欺骗

来自古法语escheat, 来自拉丁词*excadere,前缀ex-,向外,词根cad, 掉落,词源同case, accident. 原为一特殊官职,其主要职责为清收无主领地或财产,或没有继承人的财物,因担任这一职务的官员经常做一些中饱私囊,侵吞国有财产的事情,最终固定为现在的词义。

字母es被当做前缀ex- 脱落。

cheat: [14] Cheat is a reduced form of escheat, a legal term for the reversion of property to the state on the death of the owner without heirs. This came from Old French escheoite, a derivative of the past participle of the verb escheoir ‘befall by chance, happen, devolve’, from Vulgar Latin *excadēre ‘fall away’, a compound verb formed from the prefix ex- ‘out’ and Latin cadere ‘fall’ (source of a wide range of English words from case ‘circumstance’ to occasion).

The semantic steps leading to the modern English sense of cheat seem to be ‘confiscate’; ‘deprive of something dishonestly’; ‘deceive’.

=> cadence, case, escheat, occasion, occident
cheat (v.)
mid-15c., "to escheat," a shortening of Old French escheat, legal term for revision of property to the state when the owner dies without heirs, literally "that which falls to one," past participle of escheoir "happen, befall, occur, take place; fall due; lapse (legally)," from Late Latin *excadere "fall away, fall out," from Latin ex- "out" (see ex-) + cadere "to fall" (see case (n.1)). Also compare escheat. The royal officers evidently had a low reputation. Meaning evolved through "confiscate" (mid-15c.) to "deprive unfairly" (1580s). To cheat on (someone) "be sexually unfaithful" first recorded 1934. Related: Cheated; cheating.
cheat (n.)
late 14c., "forfeited property," from cheat (v.). Meaning "a deceptive act" is from 1640s; earlier, in thieves' jargon, it meant "a stolen thing" (late 16c.), and earlier still "dice" (1530s). Meaning "a swindler" is from 1660s.
1. I know it sounds unbelievable but I never wanted to cheat.
2. He raised his right fist and declaimed: "Liar and cheat!"
3. She is accused of attempting to cheat the taxman.
4. Space the desk a meter apart so that the pupils can't cheat.
5. I hope you wouldn't lower yourself to cheat in the examination.


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