
英 [ˈkɔː.nər]      美 [ˈkɔːr.nɚ]
  • n. 角落,拐角处;地区,偏僻处;困境,窘境
  • vi. 囤积;相交成角
  • vt. 垄断;迫至一隅;使陷入绝境;把…难住
  • n. (Corner)人名;(法)科尔内;(英)科纳
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corner 角落

词源同horn, 角,引申义转角,角落。

corner: [13] The idea underlying corner is of a ‘projecting part’ or ‘point’. It came via Anglo- Norman corner from Vulgar Latin *cornārium, a derivative of Latin cornū ‘point’ (‘point’ was in fact a secondary sense, developed from an original ‘horn’ – and Latin cornū is related to English horn). Other English descendants of cornū are corn ‘hard skin’, cornea [14], cornet [14], originally a diminutive form, and cornucopia [16], literally ‘horn of plenty’.
=> cornea, cornet, horn
corner (n.)
late 13c., from Anglo-French cornere (Old French corniere), from Old French corne "horn, corner," from Vulgar Latin *corna, from Latin cornua, plural of cornu "projecting point, end, horn," from PIE *ker- (1) "horn; head, uppermost part of the body" (see horn (n.)). Replaced Old English hyrne. As an adjective, from 1530s. To be just around the corner in the extended sense of "about to happen" is by 1905.
corner (v.)
late 14c., "to furnish with corners," from corner (n.). Meaning "to turn a corner," as in a race, is 1860s; meaning "drive (someone) into a corner" is American English from 1824. Commercial sense is from 1836. Related: Cornered; cornering.
1. Claire stared after him until he disappeared around a corner.
2. She flicked a crumb off the corner of her mouth.
3. The man with the umbrella turned the corner again.
4. He volleyed the ball spectacularly into the far corner of the net.
5. He appears to have backed himself into a tight corner.


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