
英 [dɔːb]      美 [dɑːb]
  • vt. 涂抹;乱画;弄脏
  • vi. 涂抹;乱画
  • n. 涂抹;涂料;拙劣的画
  • n. (Daub)人名;(英、法)多布;(德)道布
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1. from Old French dauber "to whitewash, plaster".
2. perhaps from Latin dealbare, from de- "thoroughly" + albare "whiten," from albus "white".
3. al-到au-的音变,参考auburn, 由于发音相近而产生的音变。
4. 单词的音变,尤其是外部引入的词汇发生的音变,就像我们在音译国外的事物、人名、地名时一样,主要由两种情况发生,一是我们在音译某个词的时候,该词的某些发音在我们语言的发音系统里没有对应的音,那么我们就会用我们的发音系统的比较相近的音区代替那些音。二是我们在听读外来词时,由于听得不准或者读得不准,而导致音译出现的偏差。还有就是不同语言的人,他对某些音的区分能力不一样,导致其无法区分某些音,而导致的偏差。当然这是针对发音而言的,在欧洲各语言中,还有因为字母在另一语言中不存在而使用替代字母或者因为发音习惯或者其他习惯而直接用形近或音近的字母替代。
5. “daub”音似“大——白”——刮大白——涂抹;从词源角度,d-加强,“aub-”音变自“alb-词根:白”——本义 是给墙涂白——后泛指“涂抹”。
daub 涂沫

来自拉丁语dealbare, 涂抹,来自de-, 整个的,-alb, 白,词源同albumen, album.

daub: [14] The ultimate source of daub, Latin dēalbāre, meant literally ‘whiten’. It was derived from the adjective albus ‘white’, ancestor of English albino and album. It developed the specific meaning ‘cover with some white substance, such as whitewash or plaster’, and by the time it reached English, via Old French dauber, it referred to the applying of a coating of mortar, plaster, etc to a wall. This was generally a messy process (particularly in the smearing of a mixture of mud and dung on to a framework of laths to produce wattle-and-daub walls), and led in due course to the broader sense ‘apply crudely’.
=> albino, album, auburn
daub (v.)
late 14c. (Dauber as a surname is recorded from mid-13c.), from Old French dauber "to whitewash, plaster" (13c.), perhaps from Latin dealbare, from de- "thoroughly" + albare "to whiten," from albus "white" (see alb). Painting sense is from 1620s. Related: Daubed; daubing. As a noun, from mid-15c.
1. walls made of wattle and daub
2. The children were encouraged to daub the colors liberally.
3. I am not a good painter but I like to daub.
4. Wound from in outwards daub by mercurochrome, dry, don't dip in water.
在伤口处由里向外涂抹红药水, 晾干, 不要沾水.
5. The children were encouraged to daub the colors in liberally.


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