
英 [dɒk]      美 [dɑːk]
  • n. 码头;船坞;被告席;尾巴的骨肉部分
  • vt. 使靠码头;剪短
  • vi. 入船坞
  • n. (Dock)人名;(老)多;(英、法、瑞典)多克
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dock 码头,船坞

来自词根duc, 引导,词源同duke, conduct. 用于指码头,船坞。

dock: English has no fewer than four distinct words dock. The oldest is the plant-name, which comes from Old English docce. Dock for ships [14] was borrowed from Middle Low German or Middle Dutch docke, which may have come from Vulgar Latin *ductia ‘duct, conduit’, a hypothetical derivative of Latin dūcere ‘lead’ (source of English, duke, educate, etc). Dock ‘cut off’ [14] was originally a verbal application of the noun dock ‘horse’s short tail’, which appears to go back to a Germanic *dukk- ‘bundle’; it may be the source of docket [15]. Dock for prisoners [16] was originally thieves’ slang, borrowed from Flemish dok ‘cage’.
=> duke, educate, induce; docket
dock (n.1)
"ship's berth," late 15c., from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German docke, perhaps ultimately (via Late Latin *ductia "aqueduct") from Latin ducere "to lead" (see duke (n.)); or possibly from a Scandinavian word for "low ground" (compare Norwegian dokk "hollow, low ground"). Original sense perhaps "furrow a grounded vessel makes in a mud bank." As a verb from 1510s. Related: Docked; docking.
dock (n.2)
"where accused stands in court," 1580s, originally rogue's slang, from Flemish dok "pen or cage for animals," origin unknown.
dock (v.)
"cut an animal's tail," late 14c., from dok (n.) "fleshy part of an animal's tail" (mid-14c.), related to Old English -docca "muscle," from Proto-Germanic *dokko "something round, bundle" (cognates: Old Norse dokka "bundle, girl," Danish dukke "doll," German Docke "small column, bundle, doll, smart girl"). Meaning "to reduce (someone's) pay for some infraction" is first recorded 1822. Related: Docked; docking.
dock (n.3)
name for various tall, coarse weeds, Old English docce, from Proto-Germanic *dokkon (cognates: Middle Dutch docke-, German Docken-, Old Danish dokka), akin to Middle High German tocke "bundle, tuft," and ultimately to the noun source of dock (v.).
1. The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached.
2. He threatens to dock her fee.
3. To dock points would be wrong.
4. The ship was in dock .
5. We took the children to the dock to see the ships.



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