
英 [dəʊl]      美 [doʊl]
  • n. 失业救济金;赈济物;施舍品
  • vt. 发放救济;以小份发给
  • n. (Dole)人名;(法、德、俄)多勒;(英)多尔
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1. 都乐已成为全球最大的果蔬种植商和销售商,Dole(都乐)的英文原意含有施舍、赈济的意思,作为全球最大的蔬果生产和流通企业,Dole(都乐)一直致力于环境的改善,承担其可持续发展的责任。
2. 谐音“都乐” --- 给灾民、失业者发救济物、赈济品、救济金解决他们一时的生存困难,他们当然都很乐意啊。
3. 灾民们看到为他们送来的救济品和救济金都乐了。
4. deal => dole.
5. In Old English, it meant simply 'part, portion, share, division, allotment'.
dole 失业救济金

词源同deal, 分发,分配,发配。引申义施舍或失业救济金。

dole: [OE] In Old English, the noun dāl meant simply ‘part, portion’ (it came from a Germanic base *dail-, which also produced English deal). By the 14th century this had developed into the more specific ‘portion (of food, money, etc) handed out as a charitable donation to those in need’. This is the source of the phrase on the dole ‘receiving government benefit’, first recorded in the 1920s. The verb dole ‘distribute’ arose in the 15th century; its modern use, dole out, is an 18th-century development.
=> deal
dole (n.)
Old English dal "state of being divided; sharing, giving out," shortened from gedal "portion," related to dæl "deal," from Proto-Germanic *dailiz (cognates: Old Frisian and Old Saxon del, Middle Dutch deil, Dutch deel, Old High German teil, German Teil). On the dole is 1920s.
dole (v.)
"hand out charity," mid-15c., from dole (n.). Doled; doling.
1. T-shirts are a nice little earner and it's better than the dole.
2. Two years later he is flat broke and on the dole.
3. The Government cannot expect graduates to twiddle their thumbs on the dole.
4. I got out my wallet and began to dole out the money.
5. Bob Dole seemed less than enthusiastic about the proposed move.


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