
英 [drɑːft]      美 [dræft]
  • n. 气流;汇票;草稿(等于draft)
  • vt. 起草;征兵;选派(等于draft)
  • adj. 汲出的;拖拉的(等于draft)
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1. from drag, draw. draught 与 drag,draw 同源或者说就源于这两个单词。draft is spelling variant of draught.
2. Most of its modern English meanings are fairly transparently descended from the idea of 'pulling': 'draught beer', for example, is 'drawn' from a barrel.
3. Of the less obvious ones, 'current of air' is air that is 'drawn' through an opening;
4. the game draughts comes from an earlier, Middle English sense of draught, 'act of drawing a piece across the board in chess and similar games';
5. while draft 'provisional plan' was originally 'something drawn or sketched'.
6. draw => draught, draft. dry => drought.
draught 通风气流,棋子

来自PIE*dhragh, 拉,吸出,词源同drag,draw. 引申义通风气流,棋子,喝一口。

draught: [12] Draught and draft are essentially the same word, but draft (more accurately representing its modern English pronunciation) has become established since the 18th century as the spelling for ‘preliminary drawing or plan’, ‘money order’, and (in American English) ‘conscription’. The word itself probably comes from an unrecorded Old Norse *drahtr, an abstract noun meaning ‘pulling’ derived from a prehistoric Germanic verb *dragan (source of English drag and draw).

Most of its modern English meanings are fairly transparently descended from the idea of ‘pulling’: ‘draught beer’, for example, is ‘drawn’ from a barrel. Of the less obvious ones, ‘current of air’ is air that is ‘drawn’ through an opening; the game draughts comes from an earlier, Middle English sense of draught, ‘act of drawing a piece across the board in chess and similar games’; while draft ‘provisional plan’ was originally ‘something drawn or sketched’.

=> draft, drag, draw
draught (n.)
c. 1200, from Old English *dreaht, *dræht, related to dragan "to draw, drag" (see drag (v.)). Oldest sense besides that of "pulling" is of "drinking." It retains the functions that did not branch off with draft (q.v.).
1. They drink bitter on draught in the local bar.
2. One of the night-duty nuns gave her a sleeping draught.
3. The restaurant is licensed, offering draught beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks.
4. Draught beer is available too.
5. He took a draught of beer.


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