
英 [ˈek.əʊ]      美 [ˈek.oʊ]
  • vt. 反射;重复
  • vi. 随声附和;发出回声
  • n. 回音;效仿
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echo 回声

来自PIE*wagh, 回声,回响,词源同catechism, 教义问答。

echo: [14] Echo comes via Old French or Latin from Greek ēkhó, a word related to ēkhé ‘sound’. It may have originated as a personification of the concept ‘sound’, which developed eventually into the mythological mountain nymph Echo, who faded away for love of Narcissus until nothing but her voice was left. (The Greek verb derived from ēkhé, ēkhein, is the ultimate source of English catechism.)
=> catechism
echo (n.)
mid-14c., "sound repeated by reflection," from Latin echo, from Greek echo, personified in classical mythology as a mountain nymph who pined away for love of Narcissus until nothing was left of her but her voice, from or related to ekhe "sound," ekhein "to resound," from PIE *wagh-io-, extended form of root *(s)wagh- "to resound" (cognates: Sanskrit vagnuh "sound," Latin vagire "to cry," Old English swogan "to resound"). Related: Echoes. Echo chamber attested from 1937.
echo (v.)
1550s (intrans.), c. 1600 (trans.), from echo (n.). Related: Echoed; echoing.
1. Pinks and beiges were chosen to echo the colours of the ceiling.
2. Many phrases in the last two chapters echo earlier passages.
3. The old fable continues to echo down the centuries.
4. Political attacks work only if they find an echo with voters.
5. There was an echo on the line and I couldn't hear clearly.


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