
英 [ˌɒnˈwiː]      美 [ˌɑːnˈwiː]
  • n. (法)厌倦,无聊;倦怠
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1. odium "hatred" => odi- "hatred" => in + odi- => "in hatred" => noi- / -noy (缩合而成的词根,这是在被借入、进入法语后由于缩合而导致的前面的 i 和中间的 d 脱落、消失)。
2. noi- / -noy => 变体词根:nui- => en- + nui-.
3. 同源词:ennui, odious, odium, noisome, annoy.
ennui 无聊

来自拉丁文in odio, 厌恶,讨厌,词源同annoy, odium.

ennui: see annoy
ennui (n.)
1660s as a French word in English; nativized by 1758; from French ennui, from Old French enui "annoyance" (13c.), back-formation from enuier (see annoy). Hence ennuyé (adj.) "afflicted with ennui," and thence ennuyée (n.) for a woman so afflicted.
So far as frequency of use is concerned, the word might be regarded as fully naturalized; but the pronunciation has not been anglicized, there being in fact no Eng. analogy which could serve as a guide. [OED]
1. Supper too I eat alone. I'm filled with ennui.
晚饭还是我一人独吃, 我烦恼透了.
2. She shared their expatriation, their convictions, their pastimes , their ennui.
她与他们有共同的流亡国外的命运, 共同的信念, 共同的乐趣, 共同的苦闷.
3. Since losing his job, he has often experienced a profound sense of ennui.
他自从失业以来, 常觉百无聊赖.
4. Irritability. i have often experienced a profound sense of ennui.
烦躁不安. 我常常经历了一场深刻的意义上的倦怠.
5. Life creates itself in delirium and is undone in ennui.



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