
英 [ˈek.sə.krə.bəl]      美 [ˈek.sə.krə.bəl]
  • adj. 恶劣的;可憎恨的
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1. sacred: figurative sense of "one who must not be criticized".
2. ex- "away, off" + secr- + -able.
3. => devote off or away, make not sacred, do the opposite of sacred, that can be criticized.
4. => curse, abhor.
5. 这里的前缀 ex- 主要表否定、对立的含义(away, remove from, deprive of, without),你神圣不可侵犯、神圣不可冒犯,而我偏要冒犯你、侵犯你。
execrable 可恶的,糟糕的

ex-, 向外。-sacr, 神,圣,词源同sacred, saint. 即亵渎神灵的。

execrable (adj.)
"abominable, deserving of curses," late 14c., from Old French execrable and directly from Latin execrabilis/exsecrabilis "execrable, accursed," from execrari/exsecrari "to curse; to hate" (see execrate). Related: Execrably.
1. Accusing us of being disloyal to cover his own sorry behavior is truly execrable.
2. Convenience is, however, in all affairs of life, an execrable test of value.
然而在生活事务的各方面, 利益是可恶的价值准则.
3. He stood at the desk, labouring in his execrable handwriting.
他站在桌前, 用他那拙劣的笔迹吃力地写着.
4. On what foundation does your bold, mad, pitiable, and execrable arrogance rest?
你这种恬不知耻 、 疯狂, 既可怜又可恨的狂妄态度究竟有什么根据 呢 ?
5. Digging locale's environment is execrable, so it is unsuitable for operator's fieldwork.
挖掘现场环境恶劣, 操作人员不宜在现场工作.


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