
英 [ˈfɒl.kən]      美 [ˈfɑːl.kən]
  • n. [鸟] 猎鹰;[鸟] 隼
  • n. (Falcon)人名;(法、意、西、葡、罗、瑞典)法尔孔;(英)福尔肯
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Falcon: fal看成fall(落下)con啃,落下来啃,瞄准猎物直落下来咬死就啃----猎鹰,隼。
falcon 猎鹰

来自拉丁语falcatus, 钩子,词源同falcate. 因其如同弯钩的爪子,腿,嘴而得名。

falcon: [13] English acquired falcon via Old French faucon, but it is probably ultimately of Germanic origin. Related forms such as German falke and Dutch valk suggest a prehistoric Germanic *falkon, adopted into late Latin as falcō, and passing from there into Old French.
falcon (n.)
mid-13c., faucon, from Old French faucon "falcon" (12c.), from Late Latin falconem (nominative falco) "falcon" (source also of Old Spanish falcon, Portuguese falcão, Italian falcone, Old High German falcho, German Falke, Dutch valk), probably from Latin falx (genitive falcis) "curved blade, pruning hook, sickle, war-scythe" (see falcate); the bird said to be so called for the shape of its talons, legs, or beak, but also possibly from the shape of its spread wings.

The other theory is that the Latin bird name falx is of Germanic origin and means "gray bird" (from the source of fallow (adj.)), which is supported by the antiquity of the word in Germanic but opposed by those who point out that falconry by all evidences was imported from the East, and the Germans got it from the Romans, not the other way round.
1. The shooting of The Maltese Falcon proceeded without a hitch.
2. I have a house in the city and an investment property and a 1972 Falcon pickup.
3. The falcon cannot hear the falconer.
4. The Comet, for example, was really only a fancy Falcon.
例如, 慧星型车实际上不过是一部花哨的猎鹰车而已.
5. The little Falcon was storming.


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