
英 [ˈfem.ɪ.nɪn]      美 [ˈfem.ə.nɪn]
  • adj. 女性的;妇女(似)的;阴性的;娇柔的
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feminine (adj.)
mid-14c., "of the female sex," from Old French femenin (12c.) "feminine, female; with feminine qualities, effeminate," from Latin femininus "feminine" (in the grammatical sense at first), from femina "woman, female," literally "she who suckles," from root of felare "to suck, suckle" (see fecund). Usual modern sense of "woman-like, proper to or characteristic of women" is recorded from mid-15c. Related: Femininely.

The interplay of meanings now represented roughly in female "characteristic of the sex that bears children," feminine "having qualities considered appropriate to a woman," and effeminate "having female qualities in a bad sense, unmanly," and the attempt to keep them clear of each other, has led to many coinages. Among nouns, in addition to feminity "womanishness," femininity, femaleness, feminineness (1810, "female qualities"), there is feminitude (1878); feminility "womanliness" (1824); feminie "womankind" (late 14c.); femality (17c., "effeminacy;" 1754 "female nature"); feminacy "female nature" (1829); feminicity "quality or condition of being a woman" (1843). Also feminality (1640s, "quality or state of being female"), from rare adjective feminal "female, belonging to a woman" (late 14c.), from Old French feminal. And femineity "quality or state of being feminine," also "effeminate; womanly," from Latin femineus "of a woman, pertaining to a woman."
1. In most languages adjectives have slightly different spellings for masculine and feminine.
2. This is a smart, yet soft and feminine look.
3. Bead-work, applique and embroidery add a uniquely feminine touch.
4. If you venture from "feminine" standards, you are labelled aggressive and hostile.
5. Crook liked her well enough, but remained indifferent to her feminine charms.



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