英 [ˈfes.tɪ.vəl]
美 [ˈfes.tə.vəl]
- n. 节日;庆祝,纪念活动;欢乐
- adj. 节日的,喜庆的;快乐的
以上内容由AI生成, 仅供参考和借鉴
festival 节日来自拉丁语festa, 假日,宗教节日,来自PIE*dhes, 神,与神和宗教相关的,词源同festival, fan, theist.词义由祭祀,庆祝,狂欢引申为盛宴等。
- festival
festival: see feast
- festival (n.)
- 1580s, "a festal day, appointed day of festive celebration," short for festival day (late 14c.), from Old French festival (adj.) "suitable for a feast; solemn, magnificent, joyful, happy," and directly from Medieval Latin festivalis "of a church holiday," from festum "festival, holiday" (see festivity). The English word returned to French 19c. in certain specialized senses.
- 1. The Jamaica Festival is planning a series of workshops and business seminars.
- 牙买加节正在筹划一系列研习班和商务研讨会。
- 2. During the festival, we'll be showing 13 classic oldie films.
- 我们将在电影节期间展映13部经典老片.
- 3. Plans are rolling full steam ahead for the Jamaica Festival.
- 庆祝牙买加节的准备工作正开展得如火如荼。
- 4. The festival remains a valuable showcase for new talent.
- 音乐节一直是新秀展示才华的宝贵机会。
- 5. The festival will feature pyrotechnics, live music, and sculptures.
- 节日里将有烟花表演、现场音乐会和雕塑展。