
英 [ˈfleɪ.ɡrənt]      美 [ˈfleɪ.ɡrənt]
  • adj. 公然的;不能容忍的;非常的;臭名远扬的;明目张胆的;恶名昭著的(名词flagrancy,副词flagrantly)
1 / 5
1. flagr- + -ant.
2. => burning, blazing, glowing.
3. 引申为:公然的,明目张胆的;臭名远扬的,声名狼藉的。
4. fragrance, flagrance: r 是一朵花,l 像个粪勺.
5. flagrance => flagrant.
6. fragrant前面是r联想成“花”,flagrant前面是l联想成“棍子”。
7. 有花(r)才芳香(fragrant),拿棍子(l)打人的是明目张胆的、臭名昭著的(flagrant)。
flagrant 罪恶昭彰的

来自PIE*bhleg, 照明,闪光,来自PIE*bhel的扩大形式,词源同flame, blaze. 原义为闪光的,辉煌的。然后由于不知道的原因词义贬义化。参照中国反腐案例。

flagrant: [15] Etymologically, flagrant means ‘burning, blazing’. It comes, via French, from the present participle of Latin flagrāre ‘burn’ (source of English conflagration [16]). This in turn went back to Indo-European *bhleg-, which also produced English flame. The use of flagrant for ‘shameless, shocking’, an 18th-century development, comes from the Latin phrase in flagrante delicto ‘red-handed’, literally ‘with the crime still blazing’.
=> conflagration, flame
flagrant (adj.)
c. 1500, "resplendent" (obsolete), from Latin flagrantem (nominative flagrans) "burning, blazing, glowing," figuratively "glowing with passion, eager, vehement," present participle of flagrare "to burn, blaze, glow" from Proto-Italic *flagro- "burning" (cognates: Oscan flagio-, an epithet of Iuppiter), corresponding to PIE *bhleg-ro-, from *bhleg- "to shine, flash, burn" (cognates: Greek phlegein "to burn, scorch," Latin fulgere "to shine"), from root *bhel- (1) "to shine, flash, burn" (see bleach (v.)). Sense of "glaringly offensive, scandalous" (rarely used of persons) first recorded 1706, probably from common legalese phrase flagrante delicto "while the crime is being committed, red-handed," literally "with the crime still blazing." Related: Flagrantly.
1. The judge called the decision "a flagrant violation of international law"
2. a flagrant abuse of human rights
3. Telling the story was a flagrant breach of trust.
4. The attack on civilians is a flagrant violation of the peace agreement.
5. His failure to turn his attention to flagrant wastes of public money is inexcusable.



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