
英 [fleɪl]      美 [fleɪl]
  • vt. 打;用连枷打
  • vi. 打;用连枷打
  • n. 连枷(打谷物用的工具)
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1. flail, frail: 打谷子用扁担,l 是扁担、连盖,r像一朵花,花脆弱.
2. flagellum => flail. 尾部指小后缀变成了 -il , 两者对比,发现都是略掉了字母g. 很小、很窄、比较窄的旗帜是不是就很像鞭子啊!
3. fragile => frail. 两者对比,发现都是略掉了字母g.
flail 连枷,猛击

来自flagellate, 鞭打,鞭笞。后用来指打谷工具,连枷。

flail: [OE] Flail is a distant relative of flagellation [15]. Both go back ultimately to Latin flagrum ‘whip’. This had a diminutive form flagellum, which in prehistoric times was borrowed into West Germanic as *flagil-. It is assumed that Old English inherited it as *flegil (although this is not actually recorded), which, reinforced in Middle English times by the related Old French flaiel, produced modern English flail. Flagellation comes from the derived Latin verb flagellāre ‘whip’.
=> flagellation
flail (n.)
implement for threshing grain, c. 1100, perhaps from an unrecorded Old English *flegel, which, if it existed, probably is from West Germanic *flagil (cognates: Middle Dutch and Low German vlegel, Old High German flegel, German flegel), a West Germanic borrowing of Late Latin flagellum "winnowing tool, flail," in classical Latin "a whip" (see flagellum).
flail (v.)
mid-15c., "to whip, scourge," from flail (n.). Sense of "to move like a flail" is from 1873. Related: Flailed; flailing.
1. No fence against flail.
2. To observable clinical effect about treatment of flail chest by multiporous lucite plate external fixation device.
3. Flail Elephant's, what is the purpose of this unit in the Indian army?
枷锁象, 这兵对印度军队有啥特别的目的在 吗 ?
4. Knight assigned to guard Heigm Castle . Wields a Flame Flail . Was killed by and his battalion.
守卫王都海姆正门的骑士,持有火焰链枷. 死于德尼姆军的攻击下.
5. This is an additional head which may be added to Flail of Ages + 3.



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