
英 [flæŋk]      美 [flæŋk]
  • n. 侧面;侧翼;侧腹
  • vt. 守侧面;位于…的侧面;攻击侧面
  • vi. 侧面与…相接
  • adv. 在左右两边
  • n. (Flank)人名;(瑞典、匈)弗兰克;(法)弗朗克
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1. link => lank (Old English hlanc) => flank.
2. Showing characteristic change of Germanic hl- to Romanic fl-.
3. flank lank, link, flinch, flange.
4. 俄罗斯苏-27系列战斗机,北约给的绰号是“侧卫”(Flanker) 有四种基本型号 苏-27 “侧卫” 苏-30“超级侧卫” 苏-33“海侧卫”(即舰载机) 苏-35“终极侧卫” 。
5. 还有以侧卫系列战机开发的游戏《侧卫/Flanker》。
flank 侧面

来自PIE*kleng, 弯,转,词源同link. 进一步来自PIE*klei的鼻音形式,倾斜,词源同lean, incline.

flank: see link
flank (n.)
late Old English flanc "flank, fleshy part of the side," from Old French flanc "hip, side," from Frankish or another Germanic source, from Proto-Germanic *hlanca- (cognates: Old High German (h)lanca, Middle High German lanke "hip joint," German lenken "to bend, turn aside;" Old English hlanc "loose and empty, slender, flaccid;" Old Norse hlykkr "a bend, noose, loop"), from PIE root *kleng- "to bend, turn" (see link (n.)). Showing characteristic change of Germanic hl- to Romanic fl-. The military sense is first attested 1540s. Meaning "side" of anything is by 1620s. As an adjective, "pertaining to the flank or side," 1660s. Related: Flanked; flanking.
flank (v.)
1590s (military), "to guard the flank," also, "to menace the flank, fire sideways upon," from flank (n.). Meaning "stand or be placed at the side of" is from 1650s. Related: Flanked; flanking.
1. Bookcases flank the bed.
2. He put his hand on the dog's flank.
3. We were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry.
4. By the left flank, march!
5. The assault element, led by Captain Ramirez, opened up from their right flank.



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