
英 [ˈflʌr.i]      美 [ˈflɝː.i]
  • n. 慌张;疾风;飓风;骚动
  • vt. 使恐慌;使激动
  • vi. 慌张;激动
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1、flutter + hurry.
2. 谐音“慌乱了,慌乱里、慌乱你”。
3. Flurry: 移动数据分析公司:http://www.flurry.com/ 体现了那种数据波动及数据波动曲线的特性、特点。
flurry 一阵忙乱,小阵雨(雪)

来自辅音丛fl, 扑腾,拍打,拟声词,词源同flap, flip, flutter. 引申词义忙乱,窸窣的声音,小阵雨,小阵雪等。

flurry (n.)
"snow squall" 1828, American English; earlier with a sense of "commotion, state of perturbed action" (1710), "a gust, a squall" (1690s); perhaps imitative, or else from 17c. flurr "to scatter, fly with a whirring noise," which is perhaps from Middle English flouren "to sprinkle, as with flour" (late 14c.).
flurry (v.)
1757, "produce agitation of feeling in, confuse by excitement," from flurry (n.). From 1883 of snow. Related: Flurried; flurries; flurrying.
1. a sudden flurry of activity
2. These young fellows are all in a flurry.
3. A flurry of wind upset the small boat.
4. There was a flurry of activity as the film star appeared on the balcony.
5. She got carried away in a flurry of excitement, but we brought her down to earth by reminding her of the tasks waiting to be down.
她在一阵兴奋之中有些想入非非, 但是我们提醒她还有许多事情要做,才使她从幻想回到现实中来.


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