
英 [freɪ]      美 [freɪ]
  • n. 争论;打架;磨损处
  • vt. 使磨损;变得令人紧张、急躁
  • vi. 被磨损
  • n. (Fray)人名;(法)弗雷;(德)弗赖;(匈)弗劳伊
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1. afraid => affray => fray.
2. shortening of affray (q.v.; see also afraid).
3. friction => fray.
4. contraction and variant of friction.
fray 磨损

来自拉丁语fricare, 磨损,刮擦,词源同friction, dentifrice.

fray 烦燥,恼火,吵架

缩写自affray, 打架滋事,闹事,使恐慌,词源同afraid.

fray (n.)
mid-14c., "feeling of alarm," shortening of affray (q.v.; see also afraid). Meaning "a brawl, a fight" is from early 15c. (late 14c. in Anglo-Latin). Fraymaker "fighter, brawler" is found in a 1530s statute recorded by Prynne ("Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdomes," 1643). Nares' "Glossary" has frayment (1540s).
fray (v.)
"wear off by rubbing," c. 1400, from Old French fraiier, froiier "to rub against, scrape; thrust against" (also in reference to copulation), from Latin fricare "to rub, rub down" (see friction). Intransitive sense "to ravel out" (of fabric, etc.) is from 1721. The noun meaning "a frayed place in a garment" is from 1620s. Related: Frayed; fraying.
1. This kind of living was beginning to fray her nerves.
2. Tempers began to fray as the two teams failed to score.
3. He would be inspiring young people to get into the political fray.
4. The stitching had begun to fray at the edges.
5. Her washing machine tends to fray edges on intricate designs.


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