
英 [frɒk]      美 [frɑːk]
  • n. 女装;连衣裙;僧袍;罩袍
  • n. (Frock)人名;(英)弗罗克
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frock 连衣裙,女装

来自古法语froc, 僧侣的道袍,衣服,裙摆,来自PIE*krek, 编织,词源同reel. 进一步来自PIE*sker, 弯,转,编织,词源同cradle, crown. 现主要用于指女装,连衣裙等。

frock: [14] Frock is a Germanic word, although English acquired it via Old French froc. It originally meant ‘long coat or tunic’ – a sense reflected in the related Old High German hroc ‘mantle, coat’, and preserved in English frock coat and unfrock ‘dismiss from the office of clergyman’ (frock once having denoted a ‘priest’s cassock’, and hence symbolized the priestly office). Its application to a ‘woman’s dress’ dates from the 16th century.
frock (n.)
mid-14c., from Old French froc "a monk's habit; clothing, dress" (12c.), which is of unknown origin; perhaps from Frankish *hrok or some other Germanic source (compare Old High German hroc "mantle, coat;" Old Norse rokkr, Old English rocc, Old Frisian rokk, German Rock "a coat, over-garment"). Another theory traces it to an alteration of Medieval Latin floccus, from Latin floccus "flock of wool." Meaning "outer garment for women or children" is from 1530s. Frock-coat attested by 1819.
1. Few Englishmen wear frock coats now. They went out years ago.
现在,英国人很少穿大礼服了, 大礼服在多年以前就不时兴了.
2. That frock shows your petticoat.
3. The frock is now out of style.
4. She stood up and smoothed down her frock.
5. I do hope you have some other frock besides that one.



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