
英 [ɡraɪp]      美 [ɡraɪp]
  • n. 控制;发牢骚;肠绞痛
  • vt. 绞痛;握紧;惹恼
  • vi. 抱怨,发牢骚;肠绞痛
  • n. (Gripe)人名;(瑞典)格里珀
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1. grope gripe, grip.
2. 因为绞痛而非常痛苦、而深受折磨和苦恼,进而因此而抱怨。
3. gripe→grape(n. 葡萄)→吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸→发牢骚
gripe 抱怨,牢骚

词源同grab, grapple. 比喻义麻烦缠身的,痛苦,抱怨,发牢骚。

gripe (v.)
c. 1200, "to clutch, seize firmly," from Old English gripan "grasp at, lay hold, attack, take, seek to get hold of," from Proto-Germanic *gripan (cognates: Old Saxon gripan, Old Norse gripa, Dutch grijpen, Gothic greipan, Old High German grifan, German greifen "to seize"), from PIE root *ghreib- "to grip" (cognates: Lithuanian griebiu "to seize"). Figurative sense of "complain, grouse" is first attested 1932, probably from earlier meaning "produce a gripping pain in the bowels" (c. 1600; compare bellyache). Related: Griped; griping.
gripe (n.)
late 14c., "a fast hold, clutch, grasp," from gripe (v.). From c. 1600 as "cramp, pain in the bowels" (earlier of pangs of grief, etc., 1540s). Figurative sense of "a complaint" is by 1934.
1. My only gripe about the hotel was the food.
2. My only gripe is that one main course and one dessert were unavailable.
3. My main gripe is, there's no hot water there.
我主要不满的是, 那儿没有热水.
4. He likes to have a good gripe from time to time.
5. Owners gripe that a government make - work scheme lures away their workers.


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