
英 [haɪˈpɒθəkeɪt]      美
  • vt. 抵押;担保
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hypothecate (v.)
1680s, from hypothecat-, past participle stem of Medieval Latin hypothecare, from Late Latin hypotheca, from Greek hypotheke "a deposit, pledge, mortgage," from hypo- "down" + tithenai "to put, place" (see theme). Related: Hypothecated; hypothecating; hypothecation.
1. A landowner who already holds land subject to a mortgage may wish to hypothecate his equity.
2. To pledge, hypothecate, sell of assign and otherwise encumber items as described above.
抵押 、 担保 、 出售或转让及上面所列之其他项目.
3. Just like hypothec and hypothecate, mortgage is corresponding newly emerging real right of pledge.
按揭是与抵押权 、 质押权等相对应的一种新兴的担保物权.
4. It is an important way to hypothecate the debts with the right of trademark.


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