kilo: [19] Khílioi was Greek for a ‘thousand’. It was adopted in French in the 1790s as the prefix for ‘thousand’ in expressions of quantity under the new metric system, and various compound forms (kilogram, kilolitre, kilometre, etc) began to find their way into English from the first decade of the 19th century onwards. The first recorded instance of kilo being used in English for kilogram dates from 1870.
kilo (n.)
1870, shortening of kilogram. Slang shortening key (in drug trafficking) is attested from 1968.
1. The price of grapes had shot up to 32 francs a kilo.
2. The caves extend for some 18 kilo-metres.
3. These apples are selling at 40 pence a kilo.
4. China has bought 12 Russian Kilo - class diesel attack submarines.