
英 [laɪt]      美 [laɪt]
  • adj. 清淡的;低盐的;简化的
  • n. 不重要的事物;简化物;软饮料
  • n. (Lite)人名;(法、西)利特
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lite 轻的


lite (adj.)
alternative spelling of light (adj.1), by 1962. Used from at least 1917 in product names, often as a variation of light (n.).
The word Adjusto-Lite for portable electric lamps was opposed by the user of a trade mark Auto-lite registered before the date of use claimed by the applicant. ["The Trade-Mark Reporter," 1922]
1. Translator Statistics ( not in Lite version ): Number of words translated; time worked.
译员统计 ( 不包括Lite版本 ): 已翻译字数, 工作时间的统计.
2. Project Statistics ( not in Lite version ): Document statistics for all documents in a project.
项目统计 ( 不包括Lite版本 ): 项目中的所有文档的统计.
3. Cost calculation ( not in Lite version ): Based on words of source text, words of translation, time.
成本计算 ( 不包括Lite版本 ): 基于原文档的是字数, 翻译文档的字数, 时间等.
4. Testing the whole modem system on ADSP - 21161 N EZKIT LITE.
结合DSP评估板 ADSP -21161NEZKITLITE对整个调制解调系统进行硬件测试实验.
5. Jack: Do you think Clint drinks lite beers or lagers?
杰克: 你认为克林特·伊斯特伍德喜欢喝熟啤酒还是喜欢喝扎啤?



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