
英 [ˈpæm.flət]      美 [ˈpæm.flət]
  • n. 小册子
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pamphlet 小册子

来自希腊语pamphilos,众人所爱,来自pan-,众,所,philos,爱,词源同philosophy.现词义来自中世纪的一首爱情诗”Pamphilus,seu de Amore”,大意是“众人之所爱,何为爱”,amore,爱,爱情,词源同amateur.因这首诗流传如此之广,人们用小纸片大量传抄。后引申词义小册子,传单。

pamphlet: [14] The original ‘pamphlet’ was Pamphilus, a short anonymous Latin love poem of the 12th century. It was very popular and widely reproduced, and its name was adapted in the vernacular to Pamflet; and by the end of the 14th century this was being used generically for any text shorter than a book. The word’s more restricted modern connotations (‘unbound’ and ‘dealing with controversial subjects’) developed gradually over the centuries.
pamphlet (n.)
"small, unbound treatise," late 14c., from Anglo-Latin panfletus, popular short form of "Pamphilus, seu de Amore" ("Pamphilus, or about Love"), a short 12c. Latin love poem popular and widely copied in Middle Ages; the name from Greek pamphilos "loved by all," from pan- "all" + philos "loving, dear" see -phile). Meaning "brief work dealing with questions of current interest" is late 16c.
1. Over a thousand copies of the pamphlet have now been given out.
2. The scholarly monographs were published as pamphlet.
3. The pamphlet went out in 6000 copies.
4. The pamphlet contains information of political opinion.
5. Franklin wrote a pamphlet on the " NewInvented Pennsylvanian Fire Place ".
富兰克林写了一本小册子,论述 “ 新发明的宾夕法尼亚火炉 ”.


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