1811, in optics, from French polariser, coined by French physicist Étienne-Louis Malus (1775-1812) as a term in optics, from Modern Latin polaris "polar" (see polar). Transferred sense of "to accentuate a division in a group or system" is first recorded 1949 in Arthur Koestler. Related: Polarized; polarizing.
1. Missile deployment did much to further polarize opinion in Britain.
2. But using optical equipment that can polarize light , those scales appear bright blue.
但如果用能使光发生偏振的仪器照射, 鳞片就变成了湖蓝色.
3. Photons penetrating into a dielectric polarize it and , in turn , are partially canceled out.
光子穿透入介电质会使其偏极化, 而且会造成部份的抵消.
4. As you run the correct frequencies for your gender, you will properly polarize.
当你为性别运作正确的频率, 你将正确极化.
5. We recommend not crossing the legs so that the energy may correctly polarize in the field.