
英 [ˈpresmæn]      美 [ˈprɛsmən, -ˌmæn]
  • n. 记者;新闻从业员;印刷工人
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pressman (n.)
1590s, from press (n.) + man (n.).
1. Pressman A: has interest, then also has this idea this thought?
记者甲: 有兴趣, 有没有这样的理念,有没有这样的一个想法?
2. Pressman B: have you got the state patent?
记者乙: 那现在我们得到国家专利了 吗 ?
3. When Japanese Army entered Nanking, more than 120 pressman were embedded with Japanese Army.
日军进入南京时, 有120多名记者深入到日军中.
4. Pressman: Which of the fities that you visited did your Highness enjoy the most?
记者: 公主殿下对所访问的城市中印象最深的是哪一个 呢 ?
5. The pressman get the news from agent the designated administrant is the Sanlu trade company.


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