
英 [prɒmpt]      美 [prɑːmpt]
  • adj. 敏捷的,迅速的;立刻的
  • vt. 提示;促进;激起;(给演员)提白
  • n. 提示;付款期限;DOS命令:改变DOS系统提示符的风格
  • adv. 准时地
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1. which the notion of 'bring out, show, shown, manifest' evolved via 'ready at hand, available' to 'quick, punctual'.
2. Theatrical sense of "to assist a speaker with lines".
prompt 立即的,迅速的,促使,激励,提醒,提词


prompt: [14] Latin prōmere meant ‘bring out, show’ (it was a compound verb formed from the prefix prō- ‘forward, forth’ and emere ‘take’, source also of English assume [15], example, exempt, peremptory [16], redeem, and sample). Its past participle was promptus, and this was used as an adjective in which the notion of ‘shown, manifest’ evolved via ‘ready at hand, available’ to ‘quick, punctual’ – whence English prompt. In Spanish, Latin promptus became pronto, which was borrowed into English in the mid-19th century.
=> assume, example, exempt, peremptory, redeem, sample
prompt (v.)
mid-14c., prompten, from Latin promptus, past participle of promere "to bring forth," from pro- "forward" (see pro-) + emere "to take" (see exempt (adj.)). Theatrical sense of "to assist a speaker with lines" is first recorded early 15c. Related: Prompted; prompting.
prompt (n.)
early 15c., "readiness," from Latin promptus (see prompt (v.)). Meaning "hint, act of prompting" is from 1590s. Computer sense attested by 1977.
prompt (adj.)
early 15c., from Old French prompt and directly from Latin promptus "brought forth," hence "visible, apparent, evident," past participle of promere "to take or bring out or forth" (see prompt (v.)).Related: Promptly; promptitude.
1. There are many emergencies which need prompt first aid treatment.
2. It is not too late, but prompt action is needed.
3. Her blushes were saved by a prompt from one of her hosts.
4. How exactly did he prompt her, Mr Markham?
5. Prompt action was required as the fire spread.


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