
英 [pju:'tresns]      美 [pju'tresəns]
  • n. 腐败;腐烂
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putrescence (n.)
1640s, from Latin putrescentem (nominative putrescens), present participle of putrescere "grow rotten, moulder, decay," inchoative of putrere "be rotten" (see putrid).
1. Objective : To sum up the characteristics of X - ray and clinic for astragal putrescence.
目的总结距骨缺血坏死的临床 X 线特点,提高对本病的诊断水平.
2. Methods: The X - ray exhibition and clinic of astragal putrescence of 9 cases were analysed.
方法对已确诊的9例距骨缺血坏死的临床 X 线表现进行分析.
3. The astragal putrescence may be disassembled into three stage: putrescence stage, evolve stage and resume stage.
结论距骨缺血坏死可分为坏死期、进展期及修复期, 坏死期极少见,而以进展期及修复期最多.
4. Kinds of chronic hepatitis have the symptom of liver cell putrescence, inflammation and fibrosis.
各种病因引起的慢性肝炎,都具有肝细胞坏死 、 炎症及纤维化的病理特征.



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