
英 [kweɪl]      美 [kweɪl]
  • vi. 畏缩,胆怯;感到恐惧
  • n. 鹌鹑
  • n. (Quail)人名;(英)奎尔
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1. 它们(鹌鹑)胆子很小.
2. 由于后面有捕食者追赶它们,要吃了它们,鹌鹑们不断的喊快啊、快啊(quail)来相互催促同伴快点儿逃。
3. 谐音“愧哦”。
quail 鹌鹑


quail: Quail the bird [14] and quail ‘cower’ [15] are not related. The former comes via Old French quaille from medieval Latin coacula, which probably originated in imitation of the bird’s grating cry. It is not known for certain where the verb (which originally meant ‘decline, wither, give way’) came from, although some have linked it with another verb quail, now obsolete, which meant ‘curdle’. This came via Old French quailler from Latin coāgulāre, source of English coagulate.
=> coagulate
quail (n.)
migratory game bird, late 14c. (early 14c. as a surname (Quayle), from Old French quaille (Modern French caille), perhaps via Medieval Latin quaccula (source also of Provençal calha, Italian quaglia, Old Spanish coalla), or directly from a Germanic source (compare Dutch kwakkel, Old High German quahtala "quail," German Wachtel, Old English wihtel), imitative of the bird's cry. Or the English word might be directly from Proto-Germanic. Slang meaning "young attractive woman" first recorded 1859.
quail (v.)
c. 1400, "have a morbid craving;" early 15c., "grow feeble or sick;" mid-15c., "to fade, fail, give way," of unknown origin, perhaps from Middle Dutch quelen "to suffer, be ill," from Proto-Germanic *kwaljan, from PIE *gwele- (1) "to throw, to pierce" (see quell). Or from obsolete quail "to curdle" (late 14c.), from Old French coailler, from Latin coagulare (see coagulate). Sense of "lose heart, shrink, cower" is attested from 1550s. According to OED, common 1520-1650, then rare until 19c., when apparently it was revived by Scott. Related: Quailed; quailing.
1. They dined off salmon, quail, and fruit.
2. I've shot hundreds of quail with that gun.
3. The very words make many of us quail.
4. What they did to a sensitive stomach made seasoned sailors quail.
5. The quail were walking around like pullets, seeming all dainty and unseen.
雏鸡似的鹌鹑在周围漫步,一副旁若无人的神气, 十分娇美.


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