
英 [ˈkwɒr.i]      美 [ˈkwɔːr.i]
  • n. 采石场;猎物;来源
  • vi. 费力地找
  • vt. 挖出;努力挖掘
  • n. (Quarry)人名;(英)夸里
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1. quarter, quadr- "square" => quar- "square" => quarry, literally "place where stones are squared" => "open place where rocks are excavated".
2. cordial, courage => Latin cor (genitive cordis) "heart" => quarry "entrails of deer placed on the hide and given to dogs of the chase as a reward" => "what is hunted".
3. 谐音“矿里、矿内”------矿场里、矿场内。
quarry 采石场


quarry 猎物

来自古法语coree,内脏,肠,来自拉丁语cor,心,心脏,词源同heart,cordial.原指给猎鹰猎捕 到猎物后的奖赏,后引申词义猎物。

quarry: Quarry from which stone is extracted [15] and quarry which one hunts [14] are quite different words. The former was borrowed from Old French quarriere, a derivative of *quarre ‘square stone’. This went back to Latin quadrum ‘square’, which was based on the stem quadr- ‘four’, source of English quadrangle, quadrant, quadruped, etc.

The sort of quarry that is pursued came from Anglo-Norman *quire or *quere, which denoted ‘entrails of a killed deer given to the hounds to eat’. This went back to Old French cuiree, which was an alteration of an earlier couree or coree. And this in turn was descended from Vulgar Latin *corāta ‘entrails’, a derivative of Latin cor ‘heart’.

The present-day sense of the English word emerged in the 15th century.

=> quarter; cordial, courage, record
quarry (n.1)
"what is hunted," early 14c., quirre "entrails of deer placed on the hide and given to dogs of the chase as a reward," from Anglo-French quirreie, Old French cuiriee "the spoil, quarry" (Modern French curée), altered (by influence of Old French cuir "skin," from Latin corium "hide"), from Old French corée "viscera, entrails," from Vulgar Latin *corata "entrails," from Latin cor "heart," from PIE root *kerd- (1) "heart" (see heart (n.)). Sense of "anything chased in hunt" is first recorded 1610s; earlier "bird targeted by a hawk or other raptor" (late 15c.).
quarry (n.2)
"open place where rocks are excavated," c. 1400 (mid-13c. as a place name), from Medieval Latin quareia, dissimilated from quarreria (mid-13c.), literally "place where stones are squared," from Latin quadrare "to square" (see quadrant).
quarry (v.)
1774, from quarry (n.2). Related: Quarried; quarrying.
1. Three miles away there was a salvo of blasting in the quarry.
2. Quarry tiles are a popular kitchen flooring.
3. the site of a disused quarry
4. The policeman watched his quarry go into a bar.
5. The hounds are getting close to their quarry.



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