1520s, "mode of expression;" 1560s, "act of reciprocating," from Latin reciprocationem (nominative reciprocatio) "retrogression, alternation, ebb," noun of action from past participle stem of reciprocare "move back, turn back," also "come and go, move back and forth;" from reciprocus (see reciprocal).
1. Reciprocation of self - inflation of governmental organization and officer's standard value orientation.
政府组织的 自我 膨胀和官本位价值取向的交互作用.
2. The reciprocation lies in the ownership and professional systems.
3. All is communicated through the straightest reciprocation between direct mind to mind.
4. Others must be taken , very precisely , very deliberately, as there is reciprocation on the other side.
由于对方采取了相应的步骤,因而还必须很明确 、 很审慎地采取另外一些步骤.
5. DDEB is also active in social welfare and philanthropy for giving society reciprocation.