
英 [rɪˈɡɜː.dʒɪ.teɪt]      美 [rɪˈɡɝː.dʒə.teɪt]
  • vi. 回流;回涌;反胃;反刍
  • vt. 使回流;使回涌;使反刍
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1. gorge => garg-, gurg-, gorg- "throat, , waterspout from throat" (originated as an imitation of throat sounds, imitative of throat sounds.) => regurgitate.
regurgitate: see gorge
regurgitate (v.)
1640s (intransitive), 1753 (transitive), back formation from regurgitation, or else from Medieval Latin regurgitatus, past participle of regurgitare. Meaning "to vomit" first attested 1753. Related: Regurgitated; regurgitating.
1. For the exam, you must be able to regurgitate the information.
对于考试, 你必须能够让知识重现.
2. His measure of success is his students'capacity to regurgitate factual data.
3. The mainstream media also tends to regurgitate the same ol'stats and angles and you.
4. The valve regurgitate flow usually occur in multiple mainveins in DDVI, and in femoral veins in DVI.
5. When they chew their cud , they regurgitate some food renew all this gas comes out.
它们反刍时,就会将食物重新咀嚼, 于是就释放出气体.


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