
英 [rɪˈlent]      美 [rɪˈlent]
  • vi. 变温和,变宽厚;减弱;缓和
  • vt. 使变温和;减轻
  • v. 再借给(relend的过去分词)
1 / 5
1. re- + lent-.
2. => melt, soften, dissolve.
3. => soften, become supple.
4. 反复借。
5. lent- (谐音“嫩特”----特嫩----特别的嫩-----柔和、柔软、温和)。
relent 缓和,减弱

re-,表强调,-len,松的,软的,词源同 lenient,lithe.引申词义缓和,减弱。

relent (v.)
late 14c., "to melt, soften, dissolve," from re- + Latin lentus "slow, viscous, supple" (see lithe), perhaps on model of Old French rallentir. Sense of "become less harsh or cruel" first recorded 1520s. The notion probably is of a hard heart melting with pity. Related: Relented; relenting.
1. The police will not relent in their fight against crime.
2. Your own family might in time relent.
3. I confess the inhumanity of this action moved me very much, and made me relent exceedingly.
我自认这种不人道的举动使我很痛心, 我非常怜悯她.
4. She is going to drag out the engagement, in the hope of making me relent.
她想把婚约拖下去, 打算这样来使我让步.
5. In the light of these things, should I relent?
你也向他浇了奠祭,献了供物,因这事我岂能容忍 吗 ?



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