1709, "to play, sport, frolic;" 1734, "piece of lively play;" perhaps a variant of ramp (v.); but also see romp (n.). Meaning "to win (a contest) with great ease" first attested 1888. Related: Romped; romping.
romp (n.)
1734, "piece of lively play," from romp (v.). From 1706 as "a wanton girl" (probably a variant of ramp (n.2)).
1. The child went for a romp in the forest.
2. Kids just love being able to romp around in the fresh air without having to wrap up warm.
3. This is easy stuff , we'll romp through this.
这很容易, 我们轻而易举便能做好.
4. The horse won in a romp.
5. Liz do not enjoy romp as much as other girls do.