
英 [ˈsɜː.mən]      美 [ˈsɝː.mən]
  • n. 布道;训诫;启示;冗长的讲话
  • vt. 对…布道;对…说教
  • vi. 布道
  • n. (Sermon)人名;(英)瑟蒙;(意)塞尔蒙
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sermon 说道,布教

来自拉丁语 sermonem,说话,谈话,讨论,演说,字面意思即把字词组合在一起,来自 PIE*ser, 连接,排列,词源同 serial,series,sort.-mon,名词后缀。现词义缩写自 sermo religiosus,说道, 布教,字面意思即 religious sermon,宗教演说,宗教讲演。

sermon: [12] Latin sermō meant simply ‘talk, conversation, discourse’, but by the time it reached English via Anglo-Norman sermun it had narrowed down to an ‘address given from a pulpit on a religious topic’. It is not clear what its ultimate ancestry is, but probably the favourite candidate as its source is the Indo-European base *swer-, *swar-, which gave English answer and swear.
sermon (n.)
c. 1200, sarmun, "a discourse upon a text of scripture; what is preached," from Anglo-French sermun, Old French sermon "speech, words, discourse; church sermon, homily" (10c.), from Latin sermonem (nominative sermo) "continued speech, conversation; common talk, rumor; learned talk, discourse; manner of speaking, literary style," originally "a stringing together of words," from PIE *ser-mo-, suffixed form of root *ser- (3) "to line up, join" (see series).

Main modern sense in English and French is elliptical for Latin sermo religiosus. In transferred (non-religious) use from 1590s. The Sermon on the Mount is in 5,6,7 Matt. and 6 Luke. Related: Sermonic; sermonical; sermonish.
1. At High Mass the priest preached a sermon on the devil.
2. Sometimes the rector came up and preached a sermon.
3. The minister preaches a sermon now and then.
4. Don't preach me a sermon, please.
5. If I wanted to pad out my sermon a little, I might offer my congregation one of my favourite quotations.



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