
英 [ʃiːld]      美 [ʃiːld]
  • n. 盾;防护物;保护者
  • vt. 遮蔽;包庇;避开;保卫
  • vi. 防御;起保护作用
  • n. (Shield)人名;(英)希尔德
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shield 盾牌,保护,屏障

来自中古英语 shelde,来自古英语 scield,盾,防御物,板,来自 Proto-Germanic*skelduz,分开, 来自 PIE*skel,分开,词源同 scale,shell.原指简易的木头板,引申词义盾。

shield: [OE] Shield goes back to a prehistoric Germanic *skelduz, which also produced German and Dutch schild, Swedish sköld, and Danish skjoldr. This was probably derived from the Germanic base *skel- ‘divide, split, separate’ (source also of English scale, shell, etc), and hence denoted etymologically a ‘flat piece of wood produced by splitting a log, board’. Shelter is probably descended from a compound formed from shield.
=> scale, shell, shelter
shield (n.)
Old English scield, scild "shield; protector, defense," literally "board," from Proto-Germanic *skelduz (cognates: Old Norse skjöldr, Old Saxon skild, Middle Dutch scilt, Dutch schild, German Schild, Gothic skildus), from *skel- "divide, split, separate," from PIE root *(s)kel- (1) "to cut" (see scale (n.1)). Perhaps the notion is of a flat piece of wood made by splitting a log. Shield volcano (1911) translates German Schildvulkan (1910). Plate tectonics sense is from 1906, translating Suess (1888).
shield (v.)
Old English gescildan, from the root of shield (n.). Related: Shielded; shielding. Compare German scilden.
1. He used his left hand as a shield against the reflecting sunlight.
2. The gunman used the hostages as a human shield .
3. The knight carried a shield with a cross painted thereupon.
4. She intended to shield the child from the bad information.
5. Dark glasses are an effective shield against the glare.


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