
英 [snɑːl]      美 [snɑːrl]
  • n. 咆哮;怒骂;混乱
  • vi. 咆哮;怒骂;缠结
  • vt. 搞乱;咆哮着说;使…缠结
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snarl 缠结,蓬乱

来自中古英语 snarlen,缠结,来自 snare,编网,织网,-le,表反复。

snarl (v.2)
"growl and bare the teeth," 1580s, perhaps from Dutch or Low German snarren "to rattle," probably of imitative origin (compare German schnarren "to rattle," schnurren "to hum, buzz"). Meaning "speak in a harsh manner" first recorded 1690s. Related: Snarled; snarling.
snarl (v.1)
"to tangle, to catch in a snare or noose" (trans.), late 14c., from a noun snarl "a snare, a noose" (late 14c.), probably a diminutive of snare (n.1). Intransitive sense "become twisted or entangled" is from c. 1600. Related: Snarled; snarling.
snarl (n.2)
"a sharp growl accompanied by a display of the teeth," 1610s, from snarl (v.2).
snarl (n.1)
late 14c., "a snare, noose," from snarl (v.1). Meaning "a tangle, a knot" is first attested c. 1600. Meaning "a traffic jam" is from 1933.
1. With a snarl, the second dog made a dive for his heel.
2. She was tangled in a snarl of logs and branches.
3. "Aubrey." Hyde seemed almost to snarl the name.
4. The dog gave a low snarl.
5. His eyes flashed, and his lips were drawn back in a furious snarl.



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